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  1. COVID-19- A Financial Resource Guide Employee Resources Ohio Job and Family Services: Information on the updates to unemployment law to ...

  2. Canadian Horseweed

    mowing to reduce spread. Small occurrences can be controlled by pulling out the weed. Herbicides The most ...

  3. Phomopsis

    Phomopsis Phomopsis is a cold weather fungal disease and is widely distributed. It is problematic ... infection, even after infected wood dies. Therefore a serious disease outbreak in one season can provide ... irregular margins appear early in the season (image on the right, Photo courtesy- Ohioline, OSU), as disease ...

  4. Powdery Mildew

    Powdery Mildew       Fruiting bodies of fungus Powdery mildew is a common disease of grapes, ... yield, fruit quality, and winter hardiness.  Signs and Symptoms             White fungus on leaf Diseased ... with fungal growth. Severely diseased leaves will often curl upwards (image on the far right; photo ...

  5. International Plant Diagnostic Network (IPDN)

    of the IPDN is to improve capacity for plant disease and insect pest diagnostics at the clinical ... 2013: The "Pest and Disease Diagnostics for International Trade and Food Security ... and Serere. Subjects included pest and disease surveillance, diagnostics, and management and common ...

  6. Brochure Order Form

    [PDF] SNAP Ed Agency [PDF] SNAP Ed Food Assistance Benefits [being updated] Please contact Alaina ...

  7. Breakout 2

    residents with COVID-19 are dying at a disproportionately higher rate from the disease. On June 1, following ...

  8. Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers, 2017 PDF

    this new edition for we have made several updates and changes from the 2016 edition.  Print copies of ...

  9. Lonnie King Appointed Acting Dean of CFAES

    (1996-2006). Moreover, he had served as director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National ... Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne and Enteric Diseases and led initiatives in public health, disease ... before the U.S. Congress on issues of emerging diseases in his role as the nation's chief ...

  10. Japanese Beetle

    including bird predators, parasitic wasps, and diseases; however, relying on these alone is not reliable. ... Milky Spore Disease, while not toxic to humans or animals, is highly effective in killing Japanese ...
