
Search results

  1. Rust, Commerical Turf Update, Sample Submission and Events

    RUST ON TURFGRASS Rust is a common fungal disease is showing up in many areas. These diseases can ... signs of rust disease on turfgrass. The yellow flecks enlarge which cause the leaf epidermis to rupture ... diseases. It is important before seeding to make sure you select a resistant cultivar. Visit the National ...

  2. Pink Snow Mold and Red Thread Update

    J. W. Rimelspach, Turf Pathology Program Specialist Pink Snow Mold Two fungal diseases have been ... may be slow until there are adequate warm temperatures for turf growth. Red Thread The other disease ... active on turf this winter and early spring. One is pink snow mold, also referred to as Microdochium ...

  3. Rust on Turfgrass

    The Ohio State University   Rust is a common fungal disease found on most species of grasses around ... blades are the first signs of rust disease on turfgrass. The yellow flecks enlarge which cause the leaf ... Low nitrogen Low mowing height Shade Pathogen There are many types of fungi that cause rust.  The most ...

  4. Employee Training Resources for Animal Care in the Dairy Industry

    doesn’t have a training program setup or perhaps it may need to be updated, there are several resources ... place to update to the changes coming in version 5. More information can be found at their website,  ... can be found at The resources for training new employees or updating ...

  5. 2010: A Year Like 1995

    disease and history of disease. 20.               Restricted play when conditions lead to turf injury. 21. ... following items were noted on golf courses that were successful in maintaining high quality turf throughout ... healthy turf. As you will note, most of these are known practices for growing turfgrass and must be ...

  6. Fungicides, Gray Leaf Spot, Turf Events and More

    year's revisions on turfgrass fungicide recommendations can be found on the OSU Turf Disease ... mowing heights to decrease pressure on the turf.   Watch your water very closely; the weather and light ... TURF SAMPLES – WHERE DO YOU SEND THEM? There is confusion on where turfgrass samples should be ...

  7. Pink Snow Mold and Red Thread Update

    J. W. Rimelspach, Turf Pathology Program Specialist Pink Snow Mold Two fungal diseases have been ... may be slow until there are adequate warm temperatures for turf growth. Red Thread The other disease ... active on turf this winter and early spring. One is pink snow mold, also referred to as Microdochium ...

  8. 2010: A Year Like 1995

    indicator sites most prone to disease and history of disease. Restricted play when conditions lead to turf ... courses that were successful in maintaining high quality turf throughout this difficult summer. These are ... in no particular order and by no means are all factors needed to have healthy turf. As you will note, ...

  9. Milk Price Modernization Proposals

    the Federal Order system to recognize industry changes since the last major update in 2000 and correct ... the use of barrel cheese in the protein component price formula, 3) update the milk component factors ... IV, and 4) update the Class I differential pricing surface throughout the United States. The ...

  10. July and August Vineyard Updates

