
Search results

  1. Dr. Hanping Wang and colleagues published third book ‘Epigenetics in Aquaculture’

    an increasing number of diseases. Thus, there is a lot of research ongoing in the epigenetics of ... cancer and other diseases. For aquaculture, agriculture, and environment, this has prompted the ... of its kind, Epigenetics in Aquaculture, provides an update on state-of-the-art epigenetics in major ...

  2. Beware Of The Chair, Don't Stay Parked In It All Day

    a time to focus on how we can improve our heart health.           Heart disease remains the leading cause ... of death in the United States for men and women. In fact, heart disease kills more women than all ... of your chair.” Three hours of sitting in a day can increase our risk for heart disease by 30 ...

  3. High Tunnel Workshop

    tunnel and irrigation supplies through EQIP Vegetable production and disease management Weed management ...

  4. Fairfield County Tractor Maintenance Club- 1st Meeting

    Do you know someone who works with dirt bikes, lawn mowers, tractors, or other small engine ...

  5. Avia Influenza Impacting Ohio: Here's What You Need To Know

    Considering all types of AI, the incubation period of the disease can be up to 14 days, but with HPAI ... mortalities can be observed within a few days of infection.  Within the infected house, the disease is spread ... spreads from house to house by wind, workers carrying the disease on their clothing, or by vehicles that ...

  6. Post-Harvest Sanitation Steps To Help Prevent Diseases, Insects From Overwintering

    management. For farmers and gardeners alike, there are some steps to take to help prevent diseases and insects ... of production, there is always a risk of over wintering diseases and insects on alternative host ... with allowing insects and diseases to over winter, can help you make decisions to mitigate such risks. ...

  7. Epigenetics

    reproduction, early development, disease, growth, and nutrition. The role of epigenetics in aquaculture and ...

  8. Sustainable Aquaponics

    produce and test fast-growing and stress/disease tolerant fish strains for developing novel aquaponic ...

  9. Colostrum Is Important To Newborn Goats

    Colostrum also contains maternal antibodies that help protect the baby from diseases. It is very important ... to vaccinate pregnant does 3-4 weeks before she is due for enterotoxemia (overeating disease) caused ... frozen goat colostrum. One thing to be aware of is John’s disease that is common in cattle and not as ...

  10. Soil Testing

    AGF-513. For details on soil testing for lawn and garden plants, review OSU Extension Fact Sheet ...
