
Search results

  1. KX Feature with Graduate Student Liam Whiteman- Science Happens Here: Honey bee diseases

    CFAES Knowledge Exchange Feature "Science Happens Here: Honey bee diseases", January 17, ... and Natural Resources Laboratory. Topics:  Agriculture & Farming,  Diseases & Parasites,  ...

  2. Careers

    insects that are important pests of human health, veterinary health, forestry, household, turf grass, and ... individual producers to help growers minimize losses to insects, weeds, or diseases. Employers: Heart of Iowa ... especially ones transmitting infectious diseases. Military facilities, vehicles, foods, and uniforms also ...

  3. KX Feature with Graduate Student Alden Siperstein- Science Happens Here: When mosquitoes bite

    Topics:  Diseases & Parasites,  Environment,  Health & Medicine ...

  4. KX Feature with Graduate Student Lydia Fyie- Science Happens Here: Changing mosquito behaviors

    mosquito overwintering behaviors. Topics:  Diseases & Parasites,  Environment,  Health & Medicine ...

  5. Peter Piermarini

    a mosquito to bite another person and spread disease. Piermarini lab research is highlighted in Ohio State ...

  6. Publications, Extension Products, and Courses

    PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. In press. Pekarcik, A.J.*, Lorentz, M.O*, Clem, C.S, Raudenbush, ...

  7. Kayla I. Perry

    NC Hoekstra, SW Culman, MM Gardiner. 2021. Vacant lot soil degradation and mowing frequency shape ... Culman, MM Gardiner. 2021. Vacant lot soil degradation and mowing frequency shape communities of ...

  8. 2019 Lawn Mower Clinic- Columbus, Ohio

    your push mower ready, so it is in peak condition for the long mowing season ahead! Construction ... together to hold their annual Lawn Mower Clinic to provide preventative maintenance service to your “push” ...

  9. Plant Path Homecoming Email

    State-Rutgers game. This event is located on the Plumb Hall lawn, just a quick walk across the bridge to the ...

  10. ENT Homecoming Email

    State-Rutgers game. This event is located on the Plumb Hall lawn, just a quick walk across the bridge to the ...
