
Search results

  1. Lep Monitoring Network – News on WBC and CEW, Update # 15

    We have just finished out our 15 th week of monitoring for Ohio pests at the Lep Network. This past week, we have seen a continuation of WBC numbers trending down and a slight increase in the CEW average. As was mentioned last week, WBC populations across ...

  2. Fields of Knowledge

    Hall. This program has a variety of speakers to give you the latest mid-summer agronomic updates! This ... walk through the fields with Kendall Lovejoy, identifying key insects and diseases to be looking for as ... an update on the vital work they are doing in Fulton Co. and share how you can get involved. High ...

  3. News and Upcoming Events

    on the list will receive updates on Educational Workshops which will be held and will receive the ...

  4. Regional Crop Updates: July 23-29

    Dry conditions continue through most of the state with potential relief in the forecast. Weed escapes and economics of a fungicide application were common observations or question topics received by Ohio State University Extension Educators and Specialist ...

  5. Slug Monitoring Project Summary

    find our final monitoring update for the season followed by a short summary of our findings. Ohio ... Monitoring Update The majority of counties in Ohio have already completed the 9 weeks of monitoring, and only ...

  6. Southwest Ohio Corn Growers Agronomy Field Day, Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

    the “Agricultural Outlook and Policy Update”. During lunch representatives from the National and Ohio ... Corn and Wheat Growers Associations will give updates on state and national activities the organization ...

  7. Upcoming Webinar: Weather Trends and Pest and Disease Impacts on Soybeans

    update the latest climate trends pertinent to soybean-related pests and diseases, including increasing ... Trends and Pest and Disease Impacts on Soybeans on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, from 8:30-10:00 am ET. We will ... phenology. We will analyze the impact of weather patterns on the occurrence of diseases as well, including ...

  8. Manure Science Review

    application, b est manure application practices, and  H2Ohio updates Field demonstrations: Manure spill ...

  9. Wheat’s Early, are Oats a Doublecrop ‘Forage’ Option?

    weather in January, mow them, rake them, and quickly bale them after they’ve essentially cured while ... standing. After a few weeks and at a time when they get a dry week, they mow, rake and bale them all in ...

  10. Lep Monitoring Network – Time to Scout for Western Bean Cutworm, Update # 14

    We have just finished out our fourteenth week of monitoring at the Lep Network. This past week, we saw WBC numbers trending down and CEW numbers close to zero across the state.  Western bean cutworm numbers topped out with Sandusky County having the highe ...
