
Search results

  1. Planting Factors Affecting Soybean Yield

    yield. Final soybean population depends on germination, emergence, disease and insect pressure, ...

  2. Urban Landscape Pest Management Workshop

    Weed (6c) Turf (8)   Interstate Reciprocity   Reciprocity is available for licensed commercial ...

  3. President Drake Coronavirus Update

    President Michael V. Drake updated the media on what The Ohio State University is doing to address the challenges of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Follow this link to watch the recording. ...

  4. Sheep And Goat Webinar Series

    Extension Educator, Guernsey County February 9 Tips for Managing Major Sheep and Goat Diseases Dr. Eric ...

  5. Looking for On-farm Nutrient Cooperators

    Recommendations, but now OSU Extension Soil Fertility Specialist Steve Culman is in the process of updating the ...

  6. 4-H News and Notes: September 7, 2016

    below are several important 4-H updates and reminders.  Please click the headlines below for more ...

  7. Keys to reducing H3N2v flu risk? Public awareness, keeping sick pigs away from fairs

    risk of human disease and any potentially adverse impact on the country's pork industry as ... to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the H3N2v virus (called "variant" because it ... from human to human. "So far, all instances of disease have involved contact with pigs carrying the ...

  8. Utilizing Lower Quality Forages in the Dairy Ration

    are available to answer home horticulture questions, identify plant samples and help with disease and ...

  9. Corn Planting: Soil Conditions and Nitrogen Application Rates

    updates. When a user selects Ohio as a state, they will only find data collected from trials in Ohio.  ...

  10. Drug Residues and Clearance Time in Sick Animals

    in sick and/or diseased animals can take longer than the withholding period stipulated on the drug ...
