
Search results

  1. McSpadden Gardener lab page 1

    830 every other year. Additionally, regular contributions are made to Plant Disease Management- PLNTPTH 603. ...

  2. Dollar spot database

    diseases of golf course creeping bentgrass worldwide. The DSTI database hosts the transcriptome data from ...

  3. Carmen Help

    Carmen is updated nightly, so you should see the course the day after you are entered as official ...

  4. Bonello Publications

    and its influence on the host range of Gaeumannomyces graminis. Plant Disease 90: 33-38 Testa, A., M. ... Phytophthora inflata on rhododendron in Ohio. Plant Disease 89, 1128. Luchi, N., R. Ma, P. Capretti, and P. ... Bonello, P. 1998. Resistance to pitch canker disease, caused by Fusarium subglutinans f.sp. pini in ...

  5. Patrick Sherwood

    Teaching assistant (TA) for General Plant Pathology (PLNTPTH 401), Autumn 2010 TA for Diseases of Forest ...

  6. Presentations

    U.S.A.   Grafting eggplant to manage soilborne diseases: An international perspective. Oral presentation. ... soilborne disease management. Poster. F. BAYSAL-GUREL (1), K. Parajuli (2), B. McSpadden Gardener (1), G. ... to soilborne disease management.  Poster. F. BAYSAL-GUREL (1), B. Spadden Gardener (1), S. A. Miller ...

  7. 4-H Professionals' Update


  8. History Timeline

    established to provide information to the agriculture community and address horticultural, soil and disease ... Extension. 1963- Plant Disease Clinic established by Extensioin plant pathologists.  The clinic expanded to ...

  9. Jill Byers returns to Ohio State ATI

    revamped and updated existing recruitment programs, such as the campus visit days, and instituted new ones, ...

  10. OSU Food Safety Hotline

    the Food and Drug Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Medeiros said ...
