
Search results

  1. Harvesting Your Own Garden Seeds

    lawn.  I poured the seeds from one bucket into another in front of the blowing fan.  This process is ... achieved with little effort and has some uniquely delightful outcomes.  For more information on home, lawn ...

  2. Recommendations for Special Needs Facilities

    and productivity of the dairy cow. The majority of metabolic and infectious diseases the cow will ... the immune system of the animal, increasing its susceptibility to infectious diseases such as mastitis ... and Salmonellosis. To reduce disease and improve the productivity of the cow, we must design ...

  3. 4-H News and Notes for September 22, 2015

    are several important 4-H reminders and updates.  Please click the headlines below for more details. ...

  4. Butler County Local Foods

    age-related chronic diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease.  Butler County residents are in just the ... We will do regular updates.  If you would like to be listed, please contact Ohio State University ...

  5. Alfalfa and Fall Rest Period

    overall stand health, variety disease resistance, insect stress on the stand during the summer, age of ... under 3 years of age are more tolerant of fall cuttings than older stands where root and crown diseases ...

  6. Woolly Bear Caterpillars

    reaction.  So it pays to leave most hairy caterpillars alone.   For more information on home, lawn, indoor, ...

  7. Keep Important Papers Organized & Safe

    purposes. Regardless of how the information is stored, we must go through and update or review items on ...

  8. Fair Wrap-up and Tailgating

    diseases to a minimum.  Don’t process tomatoes from dead vines or with blemishes, as the acid content is ...

  9. Canning Preparation

    information to update your skills.  The National Center for Home Food Preservation is a reliable site to look ...

  10. Feeding Lower Quality Hay Crop Forages

    weather damage to mowed crops that could not be removed quickly from the field, or forced farmers to ...
