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  1. Study suggests hepatitis E may be a sexually transmitted infection

    Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Additional co-authors include Patricia Boley, Thamonpan ...

  2. Ohioans grow their own food with victory gardens      Franny Lazarus Ohio State News Extension Lawn and Garden CFAES News Team ...

  3. Use Tools To Help Prepare For Pest Damage To Fields, Crops

    potentially lead to introduction of vectored diseases such as bacterial wilt from the cucumber beetles, or ...

  4. Strategies to Minimize Spray Drift


  5. No Riders on Lawn Equipment for Trainers and Supervisors

    landscaping and horticultural services lawn mowing safety Agriculture and Natural Resources ... riders on lawn equipment. Trainer’s Note Riders on any power equipment are a safety hazard and should not ... be allowed on any lawn equipment. This should be strictly enforced. No children—ever! New workers ...

  6. Narrow Row Spacing in Corn: Management Considerations for Ohio

    disease issues, and response to foliar inputs of nitrogen (N) and fungicide. The trials were conducted ... days) but varying in foliar disease ratings, according to company literature, were used to assess ... differences in foliar disease and response to fungicide and foliar nitrogen (N) when grown in narrow (15-inch) ...

  7. Triticale as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    except when rolling/crimping. Mowing after heading may terminate. Adjust termination dates based on soil ... (K) Very good Compaction fighter Good Disease Good Allelopathic (produces biochemicals that inhibit ... Increased crop diseases: could be a minor problem Hinders crops: could be a minor problem Mature ...

  8. Ohio State to host Manure Science Review in August

    representatives from the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), presenting H2Ohio updates as well as best practices ...

  9. Sorghum-Sudangrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Sorghum-sudangrass does not tolerate shade, flooding, or ponding. Rapid growth is good for short windows. Do not mow ... 18–36 inches. Drought-stressed plants can cause nitrate poisoning. Mowing or harvesting promotes ... to a height of 2 or more feet, mowing it to a height of less than 2 inches may terminate it. Mowing ...

  10. Potassium Uptake and Ohio Crop Response

    stem strength, and reduced disease susceptibility. Plant Uptake and Soil K Forms Plant potassium uptake ...
