
Search results

  1. Tax Value of Farmland Expected to Drop

    by last year’s historic rain. In counties scheduled for property value updates in 2020—about half of ... Sciences  (CFAES). The same projections say that in counties due for property value updates in 2021—another ... counties update their property values, including their CAUV values, every three years on a rotating basis, ...

  2. Dr. Chris Simons Awarded NIH Grant

    research, and is investigating the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more ...

  3. ANR Programming

    Q&A Series (Virtual)  -  08:00am to 08:30am   Disease Management Options for Today’s Weather (Virtual) ...

  4. Message from the State 4-H Office-Updated in-person 4-H club meetings guidance

    learning, and our economy going. We also want to take a moment to share updated in-person 4-H meeting ... requirements and a reminder to continue to follow our 4-H guidelines. Updated information, effective as of ... System updates are at ...

  5. 2021 Burley and Dark Tobacco Production Meeting and GAP Training

    contain one-hour of crop and environment information followed by a one-hour GAPC Update and labor ...

  6. COVID-19 Updates/Cancellations for Brown County

    a state of emergency and implemented a variety of strategies to reduce the spread of the disease COVID-19. ... over the next few weeks, an updated email was sent on 3/16 and 4/7. ANR program participants will be ... updates as more information becomes available. Please continue to check your email. As of now all OSU ...

  7. OSU to Host Preview Meeting of the 2013 Ag Policy and Outlook Series on Dec 3, 2012

    #AgOutlook; follow the AEDE website for updates. Additionally, please keep watching our  website as ...

  8. Co-op gift funds food-based cancer research

    and in developing a prevention or cure for some of these diseases.”  For more information on CAFFRE, ...

  9. Farm Office Live Webinar

    short updates on emerging topics and to help answer questions. Each evening will start off with a quick ...

  10. Slight Increase in Farm Bankruptcies through Second Quarter of 2019

    Update on Chapter 12 farm bankruptcies through second quarter of 2019. Robert Dinterman Ani ...
