
Search results

  1. Lyme Disease- What You Need to Know

    Lyme Disease is one of the fastest growing vector-borne epidemics leading to poor health and ...

  2. Lyme Disease- What You Need to Know

    Lyme disease is one of the fastest growing vector-borne epidemics leading to poor health and ...

  3. 2017 Turfgrass Pathology Disease Day

    2017 Turfgrass Pathology Disease Day Flyer ...

  4. The Ginkgo- A tree with lots of reasons to recommend it

    conditions, and is resistant to almost all insects and diseases.  Ginkgo trees are ‘living fossils.’  The ... most diseases, they are commonly planted as street trees and survive in this difficult environment.  ... home, lawn, indoor, or outdoor garden care and tips, as well as other garden topics, visit ...

  5. Extension Office Closed Update

    Effective through January 15th, all OSU Extension county offices will be closed to the public and employees will be 100 percent teleworking per The Ohio State University guidelines. While our office will be physically closed, we will continue to serve our ...

  6. Wayne Township LItter Pick-Up

    and to make mowing less dangerous and to prevent the scattering of trash, we are once again having the ...

  7. Quality Assurance Test Out

    make up date for the Test Out will be Monday, January 29, 2018 at 6:30 pm. ...

  8. Pumpkin.UAV Field Day

    The Pumpkin/UAV Field day will explore UAV imagery, flight, and mapping basics and updates on the ...

  9. Invasive Insect Pests & Diseases of Trees

    Invasive Insect Pests & Diseases of Trees Flyer ...

  10. What's New in Fruit & Vegetable Production?

    Join Extension specialists for an update on the latest news in fruit and vegetable production. ...
