
Search results

  1. Risk of Corn Grain Contamination with Vomitoxin in Ohio in 2024: July 8 Projection

    Gibberella ear rot (GER), a disease caused by the fungus Fusarium graminearum. The Ohio State University ... infects corn ears during pollination while silks are wet (R1 growth stage). Each week, we will be updating ... silking/pollination window.   It is important to remember that weather conditions are only one part of the disease ...

  2. Soybean Weed and Disease Field Night

    weed and disease management. Speakers inlucde OSU State Specialists and OSU Extension Educators. This  ...

  3. Regional Corn Yield Forecasts for 2024: July 23 Outcomes

    stand issues, storm damage, replanting, disease, or nutrient losses. Results can deviate with varying ...

  4. Commercial Recertification

    27, 2025    - Landscape, Turf and Ornamental March 4, 2025  - Industrial Veg, Natural Areas and ...

  5. Weather Trends and Pest and Disease Impacts on Soybeans Webinar

    will update the latest climate trends pertinent to soybean-related pests and diseases, including ... Trends and Pest and Disease Impacts on Soybeans  on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, from 8:30-10:00 am ET. We ... and phenology. We will analyze the impact of weather patterns on the occurrence of diseases as well, ...

  6. Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection

    before obtaining their license. Updates to WDI Recordkeeping Wood Destroying Insect Inspection (Category ... here for Updates to WDI Reporting Mandatory WDI Training- Upcoming Classes Next Course:  November 13, ...

  7. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 17 – Crop Progress Update

    apply fungicides if there is disease present. At the blister stage (Figure 1), the kernel is ivory ...

  8. Lep Monitoring Network – News on WBC and CEW, Update # 15

    We have just finished out our 15 th week of monitoring for Ohio pests at the Lep Network. This past week, we have seen a continuation of WBC numbers trending down and a slight increase in the CEW average. As was mentioned last week, WBC populations across ...

  9. Regional Crop Updates: July 23-29

    Dry conditions continue through most of the state with potential relief in the forecast. Weed escapes and economics of a fungicide application were common observations or question topics received by Ohio State University Extension Educators and Specialist ...

  10. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 10- June Weather Update

    Climatologist of Ohio, gives us a June weather update! Tune in and watch his weather and soil condition updates ... planting date of one soybean (April 22). However, this disease is common and is not generally at economic ... conditions for each updated planting date at the Western Agriculture Research Station, Northwest Agriculture ...
