
Search results

  1. Mo and Linda Saif Selected as Inaugural Fellows of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases

    Diseases (CRWAD) Fellows, they are being recognized for their distinguished research careers, ability to ... literature in animal health and disease, population health, and translational medicine.  They have made ... at the 2021 Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases on December 6, 2021 in Chicago, ...

  2. Congratulations to Kush Yadav

    David Francis Award (3rd place) given by the NC1202 Enteric Diseases of Food Animals Awards Committee.   ...

  3. Ohio Department of Agriculture Names Dr. Kristy Shaw as Emergency Preparedness and Disease Programs Coordinator

    of Meat Inspection.  Dr. Shaw began her new role as Emergency Preparedness and Disease Programs ... role in coordinating all animal disease programs for the agency. ...

  4. Stakeholder-Centered Risk Ranking Workshop Builds Consensus and Sets Priorities for Food Safety Research in Kenyan Poultry

    disease in Africa. Research grounded in locally led decision-making about priorities will be better ... disease. The farmers and local veterinary experts then gathered in breakout groups to discuss and rank ...

  5. Research Opportunities At Cincinnati Children's Hospital

    diseases.  In some instances, there is some nutrition-related work.  Here is some information about their ...

  6. Kush Kumar Yadav awarded the Outstanding Graduate/Professional Student Award

    2 (SARS-CoV-2). Kush is the vice-president of the Infectious Disease Institute Trainee Association (IDI-TA) and ...

  7. FAES Global Education Updates

    FAES Global Education Updates-   Learn about the CFAES Education Abroad programs-  Schedule an ...

  8. Animal Health, Zoonoses, and Food Safety

    Immunologist Food Safety Specialist Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Specialist One Health and Public ... students and outreach activities. The CFAH research focuses primarily on respiratory and enteric diseases ... , the major causes of disease loss affecting production animals. An additional research focus is on ...

  9. South Centers Positions Available

    maintain landscape beds; washing glassware; mowing grass; data entry; office work, and other miscellaneous ...

  10. Exploring the relationship between gender and food safety risks in the dairy value chain in Ethiopia

    handling in Ethiopia. To reduce foodborne disease and improve overall family health, there is a need to ...
