
Search results

  1. Bee Lab Research

    diseases, which are often controlled by farmers using pesticides.  However, pesticides may be toxic to ... disease control. In our lab we are seeking to understand how to protect pollinators from the pesticides ...

  2. The Southern Ohio Farm Show

    Clermont, and Highland Counties. The program will include a market update, weather forecast from Extension ...

  3. Joseph Kovach

    in professional lawn care: A case study. Urban Ecosystems 13:37-49 DOI ...

  4. Join us for countywide 4-H meetings via Zoom!

    meeting which will include pledges, county program updates, and a guest speaker. We have lined up a great ...

  5. Entomology Graduate Student Selected as a Fellow for AIARD’s Future Leaders Forum

    insect and disease in organic farming systems under his advisor,  Dr. Larry Phelan. Diego, with support ...

  6. Muck Crops Field Day

    offer farmers the latest information on diseases facing muck crops. The Muck Crops Field Day is from ... “We will also look at the latest research on carrot weevil control.” The event will also offer updates ... on the station’s latest research findings on managing weeds, insects and diseases in muck-soil ...

  7. I missed Private Pesticide Applicator and Fertilizer Re-Certification

    15. We will continue to update you as meetings are scheduled. You may continue to check these websites ...

  8. Master in Plant Health Management

    plant disease management, integrated pest management, statistics, soil science, weed science, Extension ...

  9. Glen Needham

    Program: CDC Website on Ticks/Tickborne Diseases ... : CDC on Lyme Disease: Ohio Department of Health: Ticks ... promoting public health issues that relate to ticks (Lyme disease & Rocky Mt. spotted fever) and this ...

  10. Brown County Junior Fair Results- 2018

    patient with us as we have to wait until we receive them from the shows and then update everything into ...
