
Search results

  1. CFAES Alumni Making News

    Natural Resources, 2015 – The State Journal People Update Joy Sharp, BS in Animal Science & MS in ...

  2. New method to screen zebrafish for unique genetic mutations detailed

    genetic mutations. Finding new mutations helps us learn about human disease and developmental biology. ...

  3. Cattleman's Convention Wrapup

    discussing the conference and hearing an update on college work. Next year's convention is Jan. ...

  4. Framing a National Dialogue of Urban Extension Today: A Request for Partnership

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  5. CFAES Loves Its Buckeyes, and Also All Their Friends

    Kottman Hall. At Wooster, a tree planting ceremony is set for 3 p.m. on the front lawn of Ohio State ATI. ...

  6. March 1 Conference for Ohio Natural Resource Professionals

    a disease that kills trees could actually help forests, and what’s really going on when people and wildlife ... session will look at oak wilt, a fungal disease that’s deadly to desirable oak trees, and ailanthus wilt, ... another fungal disease that Rebbeck and others are  studying as a possible biocontrol agent  for the ...

  7. Register for Summer Extension in the City Meeting

    light refreshments, and networking 10 a.m.             Welcome and County Updates ...

  8. We've Moved!

    Please update your contact information with the following: CFAES Office Of Advancement 364 West Lane ...

  9. Autumn 2020 classes move to virtual delivery- see update to move to virtual delivery

    Nov. 19: Effective at 6 pm. on November 20, in-person classes will be moved to online or other forms of remote instruction. Exceptions where in-person instruction is permitted include clinical programs conducted under approved safety protocols as well as ...

  10. Vaccination Requirement

    vaccination guidelines outlined by the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC).  A student will be ...
