
Search results

  1. Comprehensive Energy Management Plan Campus Meetings

    campus meetings. In the meetings, which are open to faculty, staff and students, a project update will be ...

  2. Ohio's Energy Future Tour

    Registration to attend the forum is free. To register or sign up for Tour updates, please visit:  ...

  3. SEEDS grant proposals sought

    meetings over the course of the past year, the Request for Proposal (RFP) FY 2019 was updated ...

  4. Natural and Unnatural Disasters: 3/11, 9/11, Asbestos, and the Unmaking of Japan's Modern World

    became closely connected to pulmonary diseases, including lung cancers. This paper investigates asbestos ... His 2010 monograph, Toxic Archipelago: A History of Industrial Disease in Japan was awarded George ...

  5. "Fair Dinkum" Australian Visitors, Drs. Mark and Tieneke Trotter: Engagement opportunities

    cows, fit-bits for sheep, laser beams in pastures, fenceless farms: An update on some of the latest ...

  6. OSU Changing Climate Webinar

    will discuss Ohio Sea Grant's updated Great Lakes Climate Change Curriculum, climate and Great ...

  7. Five Faculty Advising Forums Offered to SENR Undergraduates

    you'll hear about curriculum updates, receive a new degree planning tool called a curriculum roadmap, and ...

  8. Gone (or soon to be going) fishing: Charter captains prep for new season, new teaching

    charter boat captains, with many attendees regularly returning for the latest updates on Lake Erie ... who provided an update on the Obama Administration's effort to prevent Asian carps from becoming ...

  9. How much does foodborne illness cost the U.S.?

    College of Education and Human Ecology, also provides an updated estimate of the total national cost of ...

  10. Workshop: How to Grow Bigger, Better Strawberries and Get Them Earlier

    evaluations ·         Pest and disease control ·         Integrated pest management (IPM) techniques ...
