
Search results

  1. Nuris Acosta

    fever mosquito Aedes aegypti. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Feb 1-9. Piermarini, P., Inocente, E., ...

  2. Bug Zoo Open House

    updated by subscribing to the UTBZ blog:   ...

  3. Forestry Terms for Ohio Forest Landowners

    for timber harvest because of form, disease, insect infestation, or injury. Cutting Cycle. The planned ... growth or disease resistance. Girdling. A cut or damage completely encircling the tree trunk, going ... site. P Pathology, Forest. The science that studies tree diseases. Pesticides. Chemicals, including ...

  4. ANR-841-2E: Tobacco Sucker Control

    causes, such as disease, nutrition, or soil-related problems. Allow plants to fully mature and ripen ...

  5. Sarah M. Short

    microbiome, mosquito immune defense, and novel pathogens of disease vector mosquitoes. I teach Vector Biology ... and Vector Borne Disease (ENTMLGY 5605) and Insect Pathology (ENTMLGY 5121). My extension program is ... primarily focused on ticks, tick-borne disease, and tick bite prevention. Visit us at ...

  6. Meet Entomology's New Associate Chair

    mosquitoes and making them less likely to spread disease. ...

  7. Brooke Donzelli

    interactions Impacts of disease, pathogen prevalence, and transmission on wild and solitary bees The interplay ... disease, pathogen prevalence, and transmission on wild and solitary bees.  From the March 2023 edition of ...

  8. Woodlands Make Poor Pastures

    woodlands. Hoof damage to tree butts and exposed roots allow entry of damaging insects and diseases ...

  9. Sam Ward

    Science. Ward SF and JJ Riggins. 2023. Drivers of invasion by a tree-killing, vector-disease complex ...

  10. Luis Martinez Villegas

    the people that live side by side with these disease vectors, and the people that try to surveil and ...
