
Search results

  1. Growing Barley and Hops For Local Beer-making

    disease control methods, harvesting, processing, and marketing techniques that can be adopted by Ohio ... Ohio hop updates and information, contact Brad Bergefurd, or call the OSU South ...

  2. Farm Science Review Recap

    alumni and friends. They came together to share stories and experiences; learn about college updates from ...

  3. Raspberries

    with long, fruiting laterals.   Apparently resistant to most cane diseases and late yellow rust but ... than Heritage.  Fruit borne on laterals.  Low to medium susceptibility to diseases and pests. Fall ... Vigorous, erect plants are productive, winter hardy, and show some disease resistance.  Considered an ...

  4. From Farm to Cafeteria to Field

    window. Attendees also gained disease prevention insights from current berry nutritional research. ...

  5. Kinder, Gentler Food Processing

    processed to meet targeted sensory attributes and minimum shelf life and to eliminate the risk of disease ...

  6. CFAES Dean Named to State Livestock Care Standards Board

    topics such as euthanasia, disease prevention and the housing of animals. “This board plays a critical ...

  7. Other Vegetables

    Cultivar Evaluation 1998 Colored Pepper Cultivar Trial Research 1999 Control of Diseases on Peppers 1998 ...

  8. Events Calendar

    director, will provide an overview of the clinic, an update on services for individuals with autism and ...

  9. OSU South Centers to host annual Hops Field Night

    mechanical harvesting demonstration, drying demonstration, insects and disease, pest management, nutrient ...

  10. State Food Policy Summit May 27

    topics, from policy solutions for chronic disease prevention to financing healthy food access and ...
