
Search results

  1. Urban Farm Tour- Residential Permaculture & Food Garden

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  2. Urban Farm Tour- Commercial Market Garden

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  3. Urban Farm Tour- Converting Vacant Land

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  4. Urban Farm Tours Happening Throughout Columbus

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  5. Hops Pre-Harvest Field Night Set for July 27

    Trellis System. Hop Mechanical Harvesting Demonstration. Drying Demonstration. Insect and Disease Scouting ...

  6. Beef 510

    will also provide program updates. The Beef 510 program will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will conclude by ...

  7. Farm Bill Update: Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC)/Price Loss Coverage (PLC)

    The 2018 Farm Bill allows the choice to enroll in ARC or PLC for 2019-2023.  Enrollment for 2019 is currently open with the deadline set as March 15, 2020. Join OSU Extension and the Farm Service Agency for an informational meeting to learn about changes ...

  8. Fruit and Vegetables

    Diseases in Home Fruit Plantings (pdf) ...

  9. Soybean Tariff: How Much Could It Cost an Ohio Farmer?

    Japan’s ban on imports of U.S. beef due to cases of mad cow disease in the United States. Taking advantage ...

  10. Upcoming OSU Weed Day on July 12

    Charleston research station for their yield, disease resistance under various crop rotation and tillage ...
