
Search results

  1. Cereal Rye as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    during the reproductive stage (full bloom). Mowing Mow during milk or dough stages. Chemical Additional ... best to terminate when plants are small except when rolling/crimping. Mowing after heading may result ... potassium (K) Good Compaction fighter Excellent Nematodes Excellent Disease Good Allelopathic (produces ...

  2. Selecting, Storing, and Using Fresh Herbs

    disease. Avoid herbs that are discolored or damaged. Yield Due to many variables such as moisture content, ... diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. Storage Since the flavor and aroma of herbs ...

  3. Growing Apples in the Home Orchard

    color, bloom period, ripening season, disease resistance and pollen compatibility, all of which are ... that are resistant to important diseases such as apple scab, cedar apple rust, and fire blight. Some of ... the more common disease-resistant apple cultivars are Enterprise (Figure 1), Goldrush, Jonafree, ...

  4. Composting at Home

    were previously advised to mow often and let the clippings lay. But composting is now considered an ... excellent alternative. If you have a garden, a lawn, trees, shrubs, or even planter boxes, you have a use ... do not use diseased or infested plants as mulch without composting them first. Yard trimmings such as ...

  5. Growing Peaches and Nectarines in the Home Landscape

    nectarines are firm and free from defects such as bruising, and insect and disease damage. The best ripe ... and diseases. Frequently, the season’s crop may be lost either by flower bud kill due to low winter ... and managing insects and diseases. Those unable or unwilling to do these things should not attempt to ...

  6. COVID-19 and Deer Hunting Pathogen Safety

    potentially zoonotic pathogens such as chronic wasting disease (Pritzkow 2022). In addition, avoid cutting ... for other diseases and for specific instructions on preparing, transporting, and eating game meat. ... Spread of General Disease and To Keep Meat Safe: Do not allow contact between deer and domestic animals, ...

  7. Triticale as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    except when rolling/crimping. Mowing after heading may terminate. Adjust termination dates based on soil ... (K) Very good Compaction fighter Good Disease Good Allelopathic (produces biochemicals that inhibit ... Increased crop diseases: could be a minor problem Hinders crops: could be a minor problem Mature ...

  8. Interpreting a Soil Test Report

    update. The P and K values used for recommendation criteria now use a Mehlich 3 soil test reported in ...

  9. Pearl Millet as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    information: After pearl millet grows to a height of 2 or more feet, mowing it to a height of less than ... 2 inches may terminate it. Mowing pearl millet after heading may terminate it. Follow NRCS guidelines for ... Disease Very good Allelopathic (produces biochemicals that inhibit weeds) Very good Chokes weeds Excellent ...

  10. Clover Mites

    yard and garden lawn and turf life cycle habits identification clover mites Entomology ... They are a nuisance by their presence, but they do not bite humans or animals, transmit disease, nor ... feed on household furnishings or pantry supplies. They feed on various plants and turf outside, but ...
