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  1. Cameron C. Rich

    Award Recipient Reception Poster (.pdf)  Since he was diagnosed with celiac disease ten years ago, ...

  2. Marketing School Aimed At Helping Farmers Budget Time, Money Practices

    insurance considerations.  The program will conclude with an update of the status of the Farm Bill with Jack ...

  3. Rabbits

    information.  This document is usally updated each November or December with information for the new year. ...

  4. Poultry

    Junior Fair information.  This document is usally updated each November or December with information for ...

  5. Fall Is a Great Time to Evaluate Weed Control Methods

    herbicide use. Utilizing best management practices, timely mowing, crop rotation, tillage, and a variety of ...

  6. Poison Hemlock and Wild Parsnip are Bolting and Blooming

    common name; wild parsnip just sounds like a vegetable gone wild; which it is! To Mow, or Not to Mow The ... peopl e.  However, mechanical control through mowing, weed trimming, or hand-pulling is problematic.  ... trimmers producing phytophotodermatitis on exposed arms and legs of equipment operators. Still, mowing ...

  7. Swine

    deadlines, animal ID and Junior Fair information.  This document is usally updated each November or December ...

  8. Preparing For Pasture Droughts

    forage for higher producing animals.” Try to avoid mowing pastures during a drought. If you mow fields ... wait to mow you have more vegetation on the surface that helps keep the soil cooler and it holds ...

  9. 4-H Enrollment Opens November 1st

    If you have changed your email, phone, address, please log in and update it. Please visit ...

  10. Tomato Diseases and What To Look For

    There are many different types of diseases that can affect tomato plants. Backyard gardeners need ... to be aware of these diseases, so they do not ruin your entire crop. Even if you only have a few ... Department of Plant Pathology. Factsheets are available at Bacterial Leaf ...
