
Search results

  1. PAT and Upcoming Winter Agronomy Meetings

    Recertification and some state wide Agronomy Meetings. Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification update for 2021:  ...

  2. Greene Clover Newsletter Prior Year

    (Update 2 dated January 19) January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 September 2020 July  2020 June 2020 ...

  3. Livestock Sales Information Update from the Sales Committee

    Poundage checks can be picked up in the Fair Office. Hours: Tuesday 8:30 to 12:30, Wednesday Noon to 4:00, Thursday 8:30 to 12:30, Friday 8:30 to 12:30.  Hang on to those Thank you notes! Thank you cards will need to be turned into us (Sales Committee) to ...

  4. Employee Training Resources for Animal Care in the Dairy Industry

    doesn’t have a training program setup or perhaps it may need to be updated, there are several resources ... place to update to the changes coming in version 5. More information can be found at their website,  ... can be found at The resources for training new employees or updating ...

  5. Ingrid Richards Adams

    cardiovascular disease and nutrition Critical thinking model of behavior change Research Interest and Expertise ...

  6. Milk Price Modernization Proposals

    the Federal Order system to recognize industry changes since the last major update in 2000 and correct ... the use of barrel cheese in the protein component price formula, 3) update the milk component factors ... IV, and 4) update the Class I differential pricing surface throughout the United States. The ...

  7. Greene County Beef Weigh-In Information

    exhibitors at the December weigh-in. We have updated and revised some rules and want to make sure that ...

  8. Dairy Palooza Wrap-Up

    dairy marketing update.  It takes a league of volunteers to plan and manage the day of activities.  We ...

  9. Corn Silage Price, Processing, Performance, and Preparation

    length and kernel rolls, keep people safety first, and review equipment safety and update as needed.  ...

  10. 2023 Dairy Hall of Service Recognition

    provided leadership to the Dairy Working Group, dairy articles in the Farm and Dairy, and constant updates ...
