
Search results

  1. Summer Patch on Turfgrass

    phone (614) 292-1607. Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture plant disease lawn and turf turfgrass ... J. Boehm, and Todd E. Hicks, Department of Plant Pathology Turfgrass patch diseases such as summer ... spot symptoms associated with these diseases are typically not observed until the turfgrass is stressed ...

  2. Three-Point Rotary Lawn and Brush Mower Safety

    Biological Engineering Rotary lawn and brush cutters are useful compact tractor attachments and are used for ... reclaiming overgrown brush, pasture maintenance, incorporating cover crops and maintaining lawn areas. ... will help determine if the mower is designed for the intended job. Selection Three-point rotary lawn ...

  3. Lime and the Home Lawn

    Extension Susan K. White Many homeowners will apply lime to their lawn once a year with the hopes of ... determine if liming is needed, and how one should go about effectively applying lime to the lawn. Why Do ... Home Lawns Need Lime? Lime is applied to the soil of home lawns to increase the soil pH. Soil pH, ...

  4. Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis

    companion animals with pathogens that cause diseases. Preventing tick bites is the best protection from ... tickborne disease (box 1). If you find a tick biting you, remove the tick as soon as possible (box 2), note ... year, depending on temperature. Positive cases of Lyme disease have been reported in Ohio in all 12 ...

  5. Gray Leaf Spot on Turfgrass

    grisea chemical control gray spot st. augustine grass plant disease lawn and turf gray leaf spot turf ... sports turf. Application of fungicides should begin prior to the onset of disease, around August 1 in ... Pathology Gray leaf spot is a disease of increasing importance in the turfgrass industry in the United ...

  6. Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds

    a pathogen encounters the crop, the greater the potential for a serious disease problem to develop. This is ... kills most plant disease-causing bacteria both on and within seeds. This treatment is suggested for ... Pests vegetables vegetable seed seeds treatment treatments bacterial diseases diseases Agriculture and ...

  7. Rotary Lawn and Brush Mower Safety for Trainers and Supervisors

    determine if the mower is designed for the job. Keep bystanders away from: mowing/tractor controls. mowing ... litter and debris from the area to be mowed. Stones, tin cans, and wire can be deadly when thrown by ... 15-year-olds may not operate power-driven machinery like rotary lawn and brush mowers. Safety Tips Keep all ...

  8. No Riders on Lawn Equipment for Trainers and Supervisors

    landscaping and horticultural services lawn mowing safety Agriculture and Natural Resources ... riders on lawn equipment. Trainer’s Note Riders on any power equipment are a safety hazard and should not ... be allowed on any lawn equipment. This should be strictly enforced. No children—ever! New workers ...

  9. Chinch Bugs in Turfgrass

    research suggests that this disease has a greater impact on the chinch bugs when the turf enters into ... crabgrass.  Types of Damage Chinch bug damage is usually first detected when irregular patches of turf begin ... to turn yellow then brown. The patches continue to expand outward and the turf eventually dies, ...

  10. Sorghum-Sudangrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Sorghum-sudangrass does not tolerate shade, flooding, or ponding. Rapid growth is good for short windows. Do not mow ... 18–36 inches. Drought-stressed plants can cause nitrate poisoning. Mowing or harvesting promotes ... to a height of 2 or more feet, mowing it to a height of less than 2 inches may terminate it. Mowing ...
