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Tri-County Pond Clinic
Darke, Miami, and Shelby Counties, bring you the Tri-County Pond Clinic. Bring a lawn chair and prepare ...
Tick Talk
Extension in Franklin County. McDermott will discuss species of ticks, several diseases ticks transmit, and ... preventative methods to lessen risk. Confirmed cases of Lyme disease continue to rise in Coshocton County, and ...
Some Options for Resourceful Living
streaming). Install all computer updates. Computers generate heat. Keep equipment cool and provide proper ...
Power Lawn Mowers
is designed for the intended job. Selection Power mowers have similarities in lawn-mowing function, ... but they should be selected based on the size of the lawn to be mowed, operator experience and ... Biological Engineering Power lawn mowers come in a variety of sizes and offer a variety of options depending ...
Identification of White Grubs in Turfgrass
grubs. Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture Insects and Pests lawn and turf white grubs in turf grass ... ohio white grubs ohio white grub adults grub species in lawn grubs in turf identification of ohio white ...
Billbugs in Turfgrass
of the turf, as if the turf was going into drought and heat dormancy or disease attack was occurring. ... mixed-grass lawns or lawns established using resistant varieties are often less severely attacked. Wise turf ... the use of these recommendations. Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture Insects and Pests lawn and turf ...
Powdery Mildew on Turfgrass
disease lawn and turf powdery mildew on turf turf fungus chemical control of powdery mildew fungal growth ... ornamentals, and turfgrass species. In general, it is not considered to be a serious disease on turf. Powdery ... Severe outbreaks on Kentucky bluegrass tend to occur on turf growing in shaded areas during spring to ...
Lawn Grass Cultivar Selection
disease and insect resistance, and adaptations that allow the turf to thrive in differing environmental ... Street, Agronomist, Ohio State University Extension When considering the establishment of a new lawn, the ... to the conditions where the lawn is to be located. Shady, wet, poorly drained areas, or regions of ...
Water Effects on Livestock Performance
diseases; and if the acceptability or safety of animal products for human consumption will be affected. Most ... water consumption and this type of water could be a host for disease organisms. To evaluate water ...
Three-Point Rotary Lawn and Brush Mower Safety
Biological Engineering Rotary lawn and brush cutters are useful compact tractor attachments and are used for ... reclaiming overgrown brush, pasture maintenance, incorporating cover crops and maintaining lawn areas. ... will help determine if the mower is designed for the intended job. Selection Three-point rotary lawn ...