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  1. Risk of Corn Grain Contamination with Vomitoxin in Ohio in 2024: Projection for the Weeks of July 21 and 29

    This week we continue providing updates pertaining to the projected risk of grain contamination ... educators and state and field specialist when making disease and mycotoxin management decisions. Corn ...

  2. Risk of Corn Grain Contamination with Vomitoxin in Ohio in 2024: A July 15th Projection

    As pollination continues in corn fields across the state of Ohio, we continue our weekly updates ... remember that weather conditions are only one side of the disease triangle, and that all three sides of the ... triangle are needed for disease development, and in this case, for DON contamination to occur. ...

  3. Staphylococcus aureus: A Problem When Food Is Left Out Too Long

    The disease that it causes can be serious, depending on individual response to the toxin, the amount ... Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot record the number of cases accurately unless the ... handling food. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2024). About Staph Food ...

  4. Early Reports of Tar Spot in Indiana and Michigan – What to Scout for

    ear leaf was low. For more information, please see this week's Battle for the Belt Update by ... and especially those that are irrigated as this can increase disease risk. Focus first on the lower ... finger than it is not tar spot. We also recommend using the Tarspotter disease forecasting app to ...

  5. Regional Corn Yield Forecasts for 2024: July 23 Outcomes

    stand issues, storm damage, replanting, disease, or nutrient losses. Results can deviate with varying ...

  6. Risk of Corn Grain Contamination with Vomitoxin in Ohio in 2024: July 8 Projection

    Gibberella ear rot (GER), a disease caused by the fungus Fusarium graminearum. The Ohio State University ... infects corn ears during pollination while silks are wet (R1 growth stage). Each week, we will be updating ... silking/pollination window.   It is important to remember that weather conditions are only one part of the disease ...

  7. Interpreting a Soil Test Report

    update. The P and K values used for recommendation criteria now use a Mehlich 3 soil test reported in ...

  8. Soybean Weed and Disease Field Night

    weed and disease management. Speakers inlucde OSU State Specialists and OSU Extension Educators. This  ...

  9. Slime Molds on Turfgrass

    recommended. Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture plant disease lawn and turf causal organism primitive fungi ... their presence. Plant vigor may be slightly reduced in severely colonized turf due to excessive growth ... due to shading of the turf causing reduced photosynthesis. Management The recommendation for areas ...

  10. Dollar Spot on Turfgrass

    disease lawn and turf dollar spot bluegrass turfgrass symptoms chemical control yellow spots on grass ... adequate soil moisture for continuous and optimal turf growth. Chemical Control. Used early in disease ... bluegrass lawns. Dollar spot occurs from late spring to late fall and is most prominent after cool, moist ...
