
Search results

  1. Sudden Oak Death: mechanisms of oak resistance to Phytophthora ramorum

    Brice McPherson at the University California, Berkeley. For an overview of the disease see our article ...

  2. Undergraduate News (click for more)

    about plant diseases and impacts on global food production.  The event will be Feb. 9, at the Drake ...

  3. Waste not, want not? Examining ways to minimize food losses

    the vindicated fruit still faces challenges on its way from farm to plate. Pests, disease, weather or ...

  4. 2011 Ag Day

    disease.  Right photo, Sarah Ellis (shown left) in the Plant Doctors session.  The teacher and sign language ... plant disease. ...

  5. Field Trip to The Great Lakes Growers

    facilities tour and answered questions about the different components of their disease management program. ...

  6. View the latest Turf Tips with Joe Rimelspach and Todd Hicks


  7. Theses and Dissertations

    Pathology Soybean seedling disease complex: Pythium spp. and Fusarium graminearum and their management and ... Advisor: T. Mitchell Gearhart, Kate 2011 MS Plant Pathology Soybean diseases associated with reduced yields ... of disease and deoxynivalenol in Fusarium head blight of wheat in Ohio.  Advisor: P. Paul Ortega, ...

  8. 2016 Northeast Ohio Twilight Grape Tour

    Entomology Update, Agricultural Soils through the Lens of Geological History of Ashtabula County, and Soil ...

  9. Issuu

    Management of Turfgrass Diseases, L-187 ...

  10. 2009

    S.A. 2009.  Effect of field management practices on disease development, soil chemistry and yield in ... soilborne disease suppression.  Appl. Environ. Microbiolology 75:915-924. Bos, J.I.B., Chapparo-Garcia, A., ... disease incidence.  Phytopathology 99:957-967. Bruce M., Hess A., Bai J., Mauleon R., Diaz M.G., Sugiyama ...
