
Search results

  1. Urban Farm Tour- Residential Permaculture & Food Garden

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  2. Urban Farm Tour- Commercial Market Garden

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  3. Urban Farm Tour- Converting Vacant Land

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  4. Urban Farm Tours Happening Throughout Columbus

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  5. Farm Bill Crop Safety Net Enrollment Deadlines Approaching

    following deadlines: Feb. 27 is the last day to update yield history or allocate base acres. DEADLINE ... make these decisions,” Zulauf said. “It is rare that an opportunity exists to update program yield and ... more thought but decision aids exist.” If a farm’s yield history is not updated or base acres are not ...

  6. Economic Impact of Avian Influenza

    (HPAI) H5 in the Pacific, Central, and Mississippi flyways (or migratory bird paths). The disease has ... Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers the risk to people from these HPAI H5 infections to be low. ... are no longer thinking about “if” this will hit Ohio, but “when”.  We hope the disease will miss us ...

  7. Beef 510

    will also provide program updates. The Beef 510 program will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will conclude by ...

  8. Scientists seeking a better way to put the bite on mosquitoes

    that transmit Zika, dengue and other diseases: make them unable to pee. Piermarini and his ...

  9. Hops Pre-Harvest Field Night Set for July 27

    Trellis System. Hop Mechanical Harvesting Demonstration. Drying Demonstration. Insect and Disease Scouting ...

  10. Nutrition

    Supplementation of Crop Residues for Breeding Cattle pdf Soybean Hulls pdf Updating Phosphorus Supplementation in ...
