
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Leafy Greens Suspected in Latest E. coli Food Poisoning Cases

    coli that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says is closely related genetically to the ...

  2. FST Faculty Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens

    the outreach arm of the college. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and health departments ...

  3. Hexion Inc.

    supported a local elementary and worked to increase STEM education. We also updated their environmental ...

  4. SENR Professor Directs Collaborative Project Focused on Restoring Fragile Landscapes on the Sahel

    nitrogen fixation) and plant growth (e.g. plant hormones, disease suppression). Two PhD students and one MS ...

  5. Ohio's Invasive Species Seminar Series

    disease on walnut, viburnum leaf beetle and hemlock wooly adelgid   Registration is $15. Register now ...

  6. Nestle Nutrition Industry Information Session

    experienced mentor and will be expected to provide regular updates, as well as develop and present ...

  7. Climate Change, Resilience, and Adaptation in Bangladesh

    also at risk from growing incidence of diseases linked to rising temperatures and rainfall variability. ...

  8. Tri-State Workshop Can Help You Get Into Your Woods

    longhorned beetle  and  thousand cankers disease  of walnut trees. Wildlife, such as food plots, game ...

  9. Can You Trust Green Labels? Find Out Sept. 15

    D.C. Among her work, she helped update the commission’s Green Guides to environmentally friendly ...

  10. Event to Look at Farming, Water Quality, Ohio’s Efforts for Both

    The findings will be used to update the Ohio Phosphorus Risk Index, which farmers use to figure out ...
