
Search results

  1. Entomology Seminar Recording Archive

    interactions in disease transmission 11/19 No seminar (ESA National Conference)   11/26 No seminar (Day before ...

  2. Recapping the Best of the Aquaculture Boot Camp Program in 2014

    ABC intermediate program to be informed of new training opportunities and industry updates. The ABC ...

  3. Can Making High Tunnels Increase Farm Profits?

    vegetable production may lead to yield reductions and, depending on the crop, soil-borne disease ...

  4. New Fruit and Vegetable Pest Publications

    suggested vegetable varieties, seeding rates, fertilizer rates, weed control, insect control and disease ...

  5. “Fresh Market Tomato fertility – the never-ending battle against fruit physiological disorders”

    water, too much heat or high amounts of plant disease or insect infections.    For now, recommendations ...

  6. 4-H / Jr. Fair Action & Advisory Committee Elections Update

    As you know the election for 4-H / Jr. Fair Action Committees (Beef, Building 10, Dairy, Dog, Goat, Horse, Poultry/Rabbit, Sheep, and Swine Commitees) and for district representatives to the Extension 4-H Advisory Committee has been underway throughout th ...

  7. Aquaculture Education Update

    By Matthew A. Smith, Aquaculture Extension Specialist   It’s been a busy few months for the Extension Aquaculture Program since the last Ohio State University South Centers Connections Newsletter was released. Our first big education moment of the quarter ...

  8. OSU-RIO collaboration broadcasts update

    By: Patrick Dengel, OSU- RIO Grande Collaboration Coordinator and Business Development Specialist   OSU-RIO collaboration broadcasts are multi-media (Radio, TV, YouTube and live Internet streaming) educational shows with a host of different topics that pr ...

  9. New 4-H Volunteer Orientation and Required Advisor Training Update

    Nearly 300 4-H Advisors / Volunteers completed the new required training sessions on Recognizing and Reporting the Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect that our office offered in February!  To assist those who were unable to attend in February we are offering ...

  10. Seminar: Volatile components of bird preen gland secretions and community-level interactions in disease transmission Mary Garvin

    By Mary Garvin ...
