
Search results

  1. FABE

    provide an update on the current techno-economic and environmental status of feedstock logistics for ...

  2. Ohio State Researchers Help to Author the U.S. National Climate Assessment Report

    infestations, drought, and disease outbreaks. Additionally, though forests play an important role in absorbing ...

  3. Investigations in Population, Place and the Environment: Social Lawn Art

    Investigations in Population, Place and the Environment presented by Dr. Kerry Ard, School of Environment and Natural Resources and Jacklyn Brickman, MFA Candidate, Department of Art Art, Therapy Dogs, Cazuelas Food Truck, Register to Vote   ...

  4. Got Questions on Trees, Plants, Flowers or Conservation? Farm Science Review’s Gwynne Conservation Area Has the Answer

    Carps in Ohio Update. Energy Savings for Households and Congregations. Plant Diagnostics. Evaluating the ...

  5. Extension aquaculture highlights

    assessing the status of state aquaculture associations in the north central region, as well as updating ...

  6. 9 Ways to Manage Your Natural Resources: Workshop in NW Ohio

    Caterpillar That Ate a Forest: Gypsy Moth Update” by Stone; and “Creating Habitat for Pollinators on Sites ...

  7. Aquaculture research achievements and impacts 2016

    economically important traits such as fast-growing and disease resistance. The perch and sunfish genome ...

  8. Feral Cats Avoid Urban Coyotes, Are Surprisingly Healthy

    can spread a disease called toxoplasmosis; on rare occasions, coyotes have bitten humans.   The ... findings paint both animals in a more positive light, Gehrt said.   “Free-roaming cats aren’t as diseased ...

  9. Business Development Network Updates

    Endeavor Center 2018 is off to a good start for the OSU Endeavor Center business incubator. The center operated at nearly a 100% occupancy rate in the first two quarters, having only one space available for lease.  A new partner application was recently a ...

  10. Updates on Fruit Research Projects and Extension Programs at South Centers

    By Gary Gao, Ph.D. Extension Specialist and Associate Professor Container Fruit Production: Now in the final year of our project on container berry production, our team has made significant progress.  Among blueberries and brambles, blueberries seem to be ...
