
Search results

  1. Madden Publications

    Campbell, C. L., and L. V. Madden. 1990. Introduction to Plant Disease Epidemiology. ... Wiley-Interscience, NY. 532 pp. Madden, L. V., G. Hughes, and F. van den Bosch. 2007. The Study of Plant Disease ... anthracnose fruit rot of strawberry in relation to ground cover and ambient weather conditions. Plant Disease ...

  2. Mission and History

    interactions with plants and the environment, to broaden our understanding of plant disease, at biological ... on plant diseases, host-microbe interactions and plant health management. (approved Oct. 2014)   ...

  3. Randall (Randy) C. Rowe

    where his work focused on research and extension in management of vegetable crop diseases, soil-borne ... fungal diseases and disease management practices, particularly for potatoes. Rowe served as department ... Verticillium  Research and Disease Management. APS Press. St. Paul, MN. 357 pp. Dobinson, K. F., Harrington, M. ...

  4. Emerging Infectious Disease Ecology Laboratory Jonathan M. Jacobs ...

  5. Deadline to Request hard copy of Advisor Red Book

    is being updated, and will be posted as soon as it becomes available. ...

  6. New publication: Plant Disease

    Deoxynivalenol in Soft Red Winter Wheat. Plant Disease 98: 1387-1397 ...

  7. OSU South Centers hosts one of 5 Hops Field Nights

    disease, pest management, nutrient management/fertigation demonstration, and drip irrigation management. ...

  8. Seminar, Walt Mahaffee, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Corvallis, Oregon

    Blowing in the wind:  Inoculum detection, fluid dynamics and disease control. Kottman 244 ...

  9. Miller publications

    winter squash, 2007.  Plant Disease Management Reports 2: V030. Miller, S. A., Mera, J. and Baysal, F. ... squash, 2007.  Plant Disease Management Reports 2: V031. Miller, S. A., Mera, J. and Baysal, F. 2008. ... Plant Disease Management Reports 2: V032. Miller, S. A., Mera, J. and Baysal, F. 2008. Resistance of ...

  10. S. Sastry FABE 7210

    I can have the master schedule updated to reflect this.   Thanks Mike Repeats every week every Monday 16 ...
