
Search results

  1. Determining Grape Maturity and Fruit Sampling

    weather (daily and diurnal temperature, rainfall) likelihood of pest, disease and wildlife damage vintner ... after severe winter injury, disease infestation, or other type of stress, increase the number of berries ...

  2. Coordinating a Community-Led Business Retention and Expansion Program

    the BRE program are:  • BRE task force meetings: The coordinator meets with the task force for updates ...

  3. Growing American Ginseng in Ohio: Selecting a Site

    sites can be prone to fungal diseases. The literature varies on the soil nutrient requirements for ... This can result in an increased susceptibility to disease or conversely an over-stimulation of growth ...

  4. The Role of the Land-Grant University Cooperative Extension in Addressing Community Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Programs

    and social media updates to assist businesses in need. Resources from state, regional and local ...

  5. Pollinator Quick Guide: What You Can Do to Help Bumble Bees

    introduced diseases that infect only bumble bees. Because of these threats, some native bumble bee species ...

  6. Using Pasture Measurement to Improve Your Management

    be harvested for hay or mowed to help get them back in line. This information can also be used to ...

  7. Breastfeeding: Steps for Success

    6–12 Months Resources Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). "Proper Handling and ...

  8. Home Preservation of Fish

    2009.  Updated in 2009 by Jennifer Hartzler, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences and ... Updated in 1997 by Pat Shenberger, Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences. Information originally ...

  9. Farming After a Stroke

    for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Stroke. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. ...

  10. Respirator Fit for Trainers and Supervisors

    facial scar or deformity that prevents a tight fit. You have lung disease, heart trouble, or breathing ...
