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  1. Events Calendar

    Ellen Zimmerman, CFAES Alumni Society board member, will also be on hand to provide college updates ...

  2. OARDC Impact Archive

    mosquito-transmitted diseases such as malaria and West Nile virus. Benefits of Tearing Down Dams: Healthier Rivers, ... diseases and to safeguard our food production system has led to the creation of a startup company, LARAD ... Tackling a New Swine Disease and its Economic Impact In 2013, a new swine disease showed up in the U.S. ...

  3. Revised-Information just updated last week regarding vacation carryovers

    A vacation exception to allow use of accrued vacation over the established maximum carryover amounts as stated in Paid Leave Policy 6.27PDF file has been extended to include every employee whose service anniversary date is between March 22, 2020 through D ...

  4. Deadly pig virus is now in Ohio: Key is strict biosecurity

    the disease, 29 states, including Ohio, had confirmed cases of PEDv as of May 7, according to the ... coronavirus family, PEDv causes intestinal disease in swine of all ages and high mortality in young pigs. ...

  5. Wheat Field Day

    techniques, including how to identify and manage wheat diseases, said Laura Lindsey, a soybean and ... see what we are talking about when we are describing, for example, different types of wheat diseases ... wheat stand to maximize profits. Soil fertility considerations for improved efficiency. Wheat disease ...

  6. Soybean rust never sleeps … so team of scientists stands guard against it

    disease, presented broadly in an easily understood and useful format.” The videos detail what the team has ... first video, “Defining Soybean Rust,” which details the disease’s impact, spread and more, is at ...

  7. How to fight cancer with natural food dyes

    Anthocyanins in Health and Disease, the first book to summarize advances in research on anthocyanins’ role in ... disease prevention. Giusti is a member of CAFFRE, Ohio State’s Center for Advanced Functional Foods ...

  8. A Witness to the Birth of Ohio State ATI

    protecting one's turf. Faculty felt threatened by the existence of another program that they feared ...

  9. Introducing CFAES Connect!

    that will be sent out every month via email showcasing updates from our college and highlights from our ...

  10. Last Chance to Register for Homecoming 2015!

    noon. Please update your Ohio State University Alumni Association contact information at the  alumni ... portal   and return regularly to stay on top of updates regarding the weekend events. Just click on ...  then select “Update Your Info.” Hotel information can be found here. Questions can be directed to ...
