
Search results

  1. Asiatic Garden Beetle Could be Cause for Concern for Northern Ohio Corn

    being a minor pest in turf, now appears to be much more damaging to crops than most other grubs, Hammond ...

  2. OSU Animal Welfare Symposium: A Big Success

    compromised animals should be euthanized and correct euthanasia techniques.  An update on the activities of ...

  3. 2011 4-H Youth Programs

    includes several updates on new programming, current events, news, and notes, as well as information about ...

  4. Nutrition Newsletter

    Oranges    - November:  Beans and Lentils    - October:  Nectarine Updated Newsletters December: Apples ...

  5. 14 billion ways honey bees let you eat

    large numbers due to many reasons, including diseases, insect pests, loss of habitat and farm chemicals. ...

  6. OARDC’s Linda Saif is first woman to win prestigious Wolf Prize in Agriculture

    her work on viral diseases of critical importance to farm animals, food safety and human health. ...

  7. Growing season: OARDC's organic farming program gets a shot in the arm

    biological control of foodborne diseases, and controlling problematic downy mildew and bacterial wilt in ...

  8. Two OARDC scientists contribute to National Climate Assessment

    vulnerability of many U.S. forests to fire, drought, disease outbreaks and insect infestations. Mandated by ...

  9. Stress Management During Tough Financial Times

    topics on the agenda might be an update of the current farm financial situation. This update allows all ...

  10. USDA Releases DAIRY 2014: Dairy Management Practices in the United States

    of operations that reported testing for Johne’s disease, 7.3% allowed test-positive cows in the ... vaccinated preweaned heifers against any disease increased as herd size increased, ranging from 37.0% of ... any disease. The most common vaccines administered to preweaned heifers were infectious bovine ...
