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  1. OSU Animal Welfare Symposium: A Big Success

    compromised animals should be euthanized and correct euthanasia techniques.  An update on the activities of ...

  2. 2011 4-H Youth Programs

    includes several updates on new programming, current events, news, and notes, as well as information about ...

  3. Stress Management During Tough Financial Times

    topics on the agenda might be an update of the current farm financial situation. This update allows all ...

  4. USDA Releases DAIRY 2014: Dairy Management Practices in the United States

    of operations that reported testing for Johne’s disease, 7.3% allowed test-positive cows in the ... vaccinated preweaned heifers against any disease increased as herd size increased, ranging from 37.0% of ... any disease. The most common vaccines administered to preweaned heifers were infectious bovine ...

  5. A Super Time for Super Berries

     The Web address is  Gary will provide regular updates there ...

  6. Livestock Need Fresh Air

    diseases, excess moisture, and gases. Some ventilation tips from Dr. Mike Veenhuizen, Consultant, and ...

  7. Cyclical U.S. Milk Production and Price in the Dairy Industry

    is updated each month on the same day that the USDA releases its Milk Production report. You can get ... $15.00/cwt range near the end of this cycle, at which time, we will start all over again. Updated 24 week ... price forecast You can check out my just updated 24-week price forecast available on my website at: ...

  8. FREE Webinar- Adapting Greenhouses to Meet ADA Guidelines

    Objective of Presentation: The American Disabilities Act (ADA) was updated in September 2010. The ...

  9. Blueberries

    is around $3.50 per pound as of 2017. How do I manage the insects and diseases in blueberries? ... Blueberry bushes do get a few insects and diseases.  Since we are not a major blueberry production state, we ...

  10. Horticulture program receives $83,000 in USDA and industry support to conduct strawberry market and season extension research

    winter protection,  fertility management, insect and disease control methods, harvesting, and production ...
