
Search results

  1. OneDrive Training Available for BuckeyeBox Migration

    Prepare to transition from BuckeyeBox to OneDrive by joining an online, instructor-led class about OneDrive or Teams in May. ...

  2. Area Leader Update

    Pat Holmes is serving as an interim area leader for area 21 (Hamilton and Butler counties), following Deb Carney’s retirement. ...

  3. Workday Preparation

    To help prepare the campus and health system communities for Workday to go live on Jan. 3, the Enterprise Project has posted some facilitated trainings here. ...

  4. Work-Life Balance: Parenting during COVID-19

    With the spread of COVID-19 persisting into the fall, the challenges of working remotely have only become more complex. Many schools across the country have adopted either a partially or fully-online curriculum, adding additional pressure to our employees ...

  5. Office of Sponsored Projects Updated Record Retention

    Original receipts can be disposed of/destroyed once the expense posts in the financial system. This will align OSP with University policy on record retention and is allowable by sponsors. Since the electronic document/digital image is the back-up record f ...

  6. Extension Insight Requested about COVID-19 Vaccine Beliefs and Attitudes in Ohio – Survey Open until 5pm on April 1

    Your feedback is critically important to the future goals developed for this project. Visit and provide input by 5pm today. ...

  7. Transition from BuckeyeBox to OneDrive

    Ohio State is retiring its BuckeyeBox service. OCIO is working with IT support and departmental leaders to determine the best time for CFAES departments to migrate. In advance of migration, you will receive communication with dates and resources specific ...

  8. Current Budget Status

    You all have been extraordinarily successful in meeting the needs of our communities in new and innovative ways while balancing the health and safety of your colleagues, clientele, and loved ones. ...

  9. Vaccine Availability

    Like everyone else in Ohio, we are following state and federal guidelines for the distribution of the vaccine. All Ohioans 16 and over are currenly eligible ...

  10. What is My Why? December Challenge

    "One of 'My Whys?' is keeping my kids, spouse, parents, and my 97-year-old grandmother safe and healthy so we have many more seasons and hugs to share!" —Jackie Wilkins   ...
