
Search results

  1. Thousand Canker Disease Training

    A Thousand Canker Disease (TCD) Training will be held in the Butler County Extension Office, 1802 ...

  2. TWEL Melissa Santiago Thesis

    golf course turf (38%), which may make them vulnerable to pesticides used on golf courses. Otherwise, ...

  3. Workshop: Get to Know Your Woods and What Lives There

    managing the new deadly thousand cankers disease in walnut trees.   There will be sessions, too, on making ...

  4. 50th Anniversary Marks- Email Signature

    line of your email.  Here are the short steps you need to take to add to your signature line. UPDATE ...

  5. Funding Opportunities

    Fund Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation ...

  6. Learn How to Name That Tree June 3

    disease issues,” said Kathy Smith, coordinator of Ohio State’s Ohio Woodland Stewards Program. “It also ...

  7. USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station- Paid Opportunities

    maintain experimental plantings of American elm for research on tolerance to Dutch elm disease.  Experience ...

  8. CFAES Students Gain International Research Experience, and Much More

    status, increasing drought tolerance, and resistance to diseases. Professor Dick indicates “this research ... potential to improve millet growth and resistance to diseases and possibly drought. Additionally, he is ... surveying the extent of disease organisms on millet.  He is using microbial community molecular and ...

  9. Spring Career Day

    required. For current students, a valid BuckID is needed to enter the fair. Check here for updates on the ...

  10. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    provide communities with lake level scenarios and assist with planning decisions, such as updating zoning ...
