
Search results

  1. Winter Feeding Guidelines for Sheep and Goats

    a premix fortified with selenium to prevent white muscle disease in offspring. During late gestation, ... optimal nutrition, and aid in helping to prevent abortions and other diseases by providing recommendations ...

  2. Cover Crop Termination Before Planting

    at the potential for increased seedling disease in corn planted after a cereal rye cover crop.  Corn ... field trials showed that under cold, wet conditions conducive to seedling disease development, corn ... planted less than 10 days after cereal rye termination had more seedling disease, decreased emergence, ...

  3. 2016 4-H Camp Detour Information

    will be posting some occasional updates on our  Wayne County 4-H Facebook Page  and the 4-H Camp Ohio ... Staff occasionally post updates on the  Camp Ohio facebook page  as well. Thanks, Doug ...

  4. The Farm Bill ARC or PLC Commodity Program Decision

    update base acres.  In many instances, farms may have more acres in crop production than actual base ...

  5. The Farm Bill ARC or PLC Commodity Program Decision

    update base acres.  In many instances, farms may have more acres in crop production than actual base ...

  6. Tri-County Beekeepers Beekeeping Workshop

    process. The theme of this year’s workshop is “Beekeeping in 3D: Detection, Disease, Doctoring”.  The ...

  7. Up Close and Personal: Talk to Organic Researchers

    Ohio-- Growers interested in learning the latest in organic research, including updates on organic ...

  8. Fragrant Plant from Madagascar Holds Promise for Mosquito Control

    as a control measure.  In addition to their general annoyance, mosquitoes can transmit diseases ...

  9. A Month of Winning 2016 Gallia County 4-H Fundraiser!

    year!! Prizes and calendar will be updated as we get donors as well as pictures of the prizes!!   ...

  10. Ohio Forage and Grasslands Annual Conference

    conclude with a Forage Research Update including early results from low lignin alfalfa varieties by Dr. ...
