
Search results

  1. Secrest Events

    A variety of topics will be covered, including proper selection and planting, insect pests and diseases ...

  2. Chronic Wasting Disease Workshops Planned

    Chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Ohio’s wild deer herd will be the focus of multiple summer ...

  3. Student Employment

    Buckeye Link to access the FWS job board. Update your career profile in Workday.  Students are considered ... update your profile first. To get started,  log into Workday  using your Ohio State username and ... password, then  update your profile.  In the  Applications  section, click the  Career Application. This ...

  4. Buckeyes will be impacted by changes to storage limits and University Email Services  addresses. Planned SalesForce Marketing Cloud updates will enable you to use the tool to contact ...

  5. Osuwireless to be Retired

    Osuwireless will be retired in a phased approach by building throughout the summer on Ohio State campuses. ...

  6. Extension Management Structure Task Force Update

    The OSU Extension Management Structure Task Force continues to meet and examine the management structure to determine optimal ways to lead and support county operations and the system. ...

  7. Manure Science Review is August 6

    Department of Agriculture (ODA), presenting H2Ohio updates as well as best practices for manure application ...

  8. Forms

    projects.   Travel Forms Updated Ground Transportation Log To be used for in-state mileage Expense Reports ...

  9. ATI lecturer receives award

    and Turf Equipment Operation and Maintenance (HORTTEC 2225T) in the fall.  The Edwin Budding Award, ... named for the inventor of the lawn mower, is given annually to an equipment manager or related ... innovator, technician or engineer who has made a significant impact in the golf course and turf industry. ...

  10. SPO Update from the Office of Research and Graduate Education

    There are upcoming changes in the office for Research and Graduate Education concerning Sponsored Program Officers (SPOs) that serve the CFAES community. ...
