
Search results

  1. Dr. Guo-Liang Wang

    a lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA regulatory network in OsRpp30-mediated disease resistance in rice." BMC Genomics 24(1): 643. ... T. (2022) Oryzae pathotype of Magnaporthe oryzae can cause typical blast disease symptoms on both ... X.L., Wang, G.L., and Ning, Y. (2021). Engineering broad-spectrum disease-resistant rice by editing ...

  2. Christopher G. Taylor

    of hairy root disease using beneficial Pseudomonas strains. Biological Control 177:105098. ... soil disinfestation and grafting for management of a widespread soilborne disease complex in protected ... disease complex in protected culture tomato production. Phytopathology. Online Nov 2020: ...

  3. Power Lawn Mowers

    lawn mowers according to safety guidelines. Trainer’s Note Safe lawn mowing practices can save lives. ... Demonstrate PPE and lawn mower maintenance. Discuss various lawn mowing accidents and brainstorm about how ... operator’s manual. Before mowing remove debris from lawn. Wear protective, close-fitting clothing. Start ...

  4. COVID-19 and Deer Hunting Pathogen Safety

    potentially zoonotic pathogens such as chronic wasting disease (Pritzkow 2022). In addition, avoid cutting ... for other diseases and for specific instructions on preparing, transporting, and eating game meat. ... Spread of General Disease and To Keep Meat Safe: Do not allow contact between deer and domestic animals, ...

  5. Faculty Research Areas

    (Enrico)- Professor Molecular and Chemical Ecology of Trees.  Ecological role of tree diseases; chemical ... ecology of tree/fungal pathogen/insect interactions; systemic disease and insect resistance induced in ... beech leaf disease. (Columbus) Hand, Francesca Peduto - Professor  and Graduate Studies Chair Detection, ...

  6. Summer Patch on Turfgrass

    phone (614) 292-1607. Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture plant disease lawn and turf turfgrass ... J. Boehm, and Todd E. Hicks, Department of Plant Pathology Turfgrass patch diseases such as summer ... spot symptoms associated with these diseases are typically not observed until the turfgrass is stressed ...

  7. Pasteurization of Raw Milk for Home Consumption

    organisms in milk that may cause spoilage or disease if consumed. This process has been used for over 100 ... even with careful production, contamination of milk with disease-producing microorganisms is possible ... Q-fever have been traced to raw milk. Diseases such as tuberculosis and undulant fever have also been ...

  8. The Value of Community Strategic Plans in Corporate Location Decision-Making

    review, and/or update their strategic plans.  The Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Element Designing ...

  9. Timothy Frey

    Seed. Plant Disease 105: 1596-1601 Invited Seminars Frey, T.S. 2014. The Role of Amino Acids in Nematode ... diseases of plants, 2014. Title: Root Exudates Important for Root-Knot Nematode Chemotaxis and Applications ...

  10. Three-Point Rotary Lawn and Brush Mower Safety

    Biological Engineering Rotary lawn and brush cutters are useful compact tractor attachments and are used for ... reclaiming overgrown brush, pasture maintenance, incorporating cover crops and maintaining lawn areas. ... will help determine if the mower is designed for the intended job. Selection Three-point rotary lawn ...
