
Search results

  1. Dr. Guo-Liang Wang

    a lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA regulatory network in OsRpp30-mediated disease resistance in rice." BMC Genomics 24(1): 643. ... T. (2022) Oryzae pathotype of Magnaporthe oryzae can cause typical blast disease symptoms on both ... X.L., Wang, G.L., and Ning, Y. (2021). Engineering broad-spectrum disease-resistant rice by editing ...

  2. Christopher G. Taylor

    of hairy root disease using beneficial Pseudomonas strains. Biological Control 177:105098. ... soil disinfestation and grafting for management of a widespread soilborne disease complex in protected ... disease complex in protected culture tomato production. Phytopathology. Online Nov 2020: ...

  3. Hay! How You Gather and Store Yours Matters

    Temperature, humidity, and cloud cover all affect the rate that the mowed forage will dry.  Everyone knows that ... reduce the quantity and quality of the forage you are harvesting.  The processes of mowing, tedding, ... applications practices, H2Ohio updates, manure spill mitigation, spreader calibration, and autonomous tractor ...

  4. Faculty Research Areas

    (Enrico)- Professor Molecular and Chemical Ecology of Trees.  Ecological role of tree diseases; chemical ... ecology of tree/fungal pathogen/insect interactions; systemic disease and insect resistance induced in ... beech leaf disease. (Columbus) Hand, Francesca Peduto - Professor  and Graduate Studies Chair Detection, ...

  5. Forms and Applications

    date unless otherwise noted.  As forms are updated and published for the year- the name of the ...

  6. Timothy Frey

    Seed. Plant Disease 105: 1596-1601 Invited Seminars Frey, T.S. 2014. The Role of Amino Acids in Nematode ... diseases of plants, 2014. Title: Root Exudates Important for Root-Knot Nematode Chemotaxis and Applications ...

  7. Livestock Can't Take The Heat- Ways To Cool Them Down

    applications practices, H2Ohio updates, manure spill mitigation, spreader calibration and autonomous tractor ...

  8. Jason C. Slot

    Ewing, C. J., Hausman, C. E., Pogacnik, J., Slot, J., & Bonello, P. (2018). Beech leaf disease: An ... for nutrient acquisition, and many rely upon them for defense against disease and stress. ...

  9. Stephen Obol Opiyo, PhD

    (var. Big Ebanga & Batard) and Relation to Black Sigatoka Disease Susceptibility. American Journal ...

  10. Use Tools To Help Prepare For Pest Damage To Fields, Crops

    potentially lead to introduction of vectored diseases such as bacterial wilt from the cucumber beetles, or ...
