
Search results

  1. Hay! How You Gather and Store Yours Matters

    Temperature, humidity, and cloud cover all affect the rate that the mowed forage will dry.  Everyone knows that ... reduce the quantity and quality of the forage you are harvesting.  The processes of mowing, tedding, ... applications practices, H2Ohio updates, manure spill mitigation, spreader calibration, and autonomous tractor ...

  2. Livestock Can't Take The Heat- Ways To Cool Them Down

    applications practices, H2Ohio updates, manure spill mitigation, spreader calibration and autonomous tractor ...

  3. Summer Tax School

    Business Entity Transition and Estate Planning Issues Relevant Updates on Federal Tax Law Issues Featured ...

  4. Faculty Research Areas

    managing turf pests and diseases. The goal of research is to reduce the reliance on chemical pesticides and ... blueberries, almonds, tomatoes and pumpkins.   These crops are also vulnerable to pests and diseases, which are ... setting up a conflict between the need for pollination and the need for pest and disease control. In our ...

  5. Graduate Student Handbook

    Entomology Graduate Student Handbook, version Aug. 2024 Summary of changes: Update M.S. course ...

  6. Use Tools To Help Prepare For Pest Damage To Fields, Crops

    potentially lead to introduction of vectored diseases such as bacterial wilt from the cucumber beetles, or ...

  7. Scout Fruit Trees For Pesky Pests Creeping Out As Temperatures Rise

    an important time to get out and inspect your trees for disease and pest issues. Let’s first talk ... an eye out for diseases like fire blight, peach leaf curl and powdery mildew. As you are inspecting ... your fruit trees, it would be a good idea to remove any “mummy fruit” or diseased fruit that are still ...

  8. Mary Gardiner

    Hoekstra, S.W. Culman and M.M. Gardiner. 2020a. Vacant lot soil degradation and mowing frequency shape ... mowing, local vegetation and landscape composition on adult mosquito populations. Urban Ecosystems 22: ... predatory insects. Quarry Books. Beverly, Massachusetts. 176 pages.  Copies sold: 6,500 (Updated December ...

  9. Meet Your Best Friend In Weed Control In Pastures, Hayfields

    brush mowing can slow the plants spread, but this should be done just as the plant is flowering and ... prior to seed set.  In heavy infestations, if mowing is the preferred control option, it may be ...

  10. Graduate

    version Aug. 2024 Summary of changes: Update M.S. course requirement to be consistent with new approved ...
