
Search results

  1. Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station

    disease, and weed control; cold tolerance; and evaluation of juice and wine quality. The coordinated work ... state's grape and wine industries. Disease Management The climate of northeastern Ohio is conductive to ... numerous grape diseases. Studies at the Station focus on the evaluation of new chemicals and control ...

  2. CFAES Embedded Counselor

    updates about CCS services provided at CFAES Columbus, please visit:  ...   614-292-5766 For updates about CCS Services provided at CFAES Wooster, ...

  3. Andy Geiger Buckeye Collection

    Both buckeyes and horsechestnuts are prone to leaf diseases (leaf blotch, powdery mildew) that can make ... recognizable "buckeye." Aesculus flava – The yellow buckeye is more resistant to leaf diseases and is ... Yellow flowers appear in spring. Aesculus pavia – The red buckeye is more resistant to leaf diseases and ...

  4. Bamboo Garden

    method is not as time consuming as you might think. Lawn mowing: A clump or hedge of bamboo planted in ... the lawn where you mow on all sides can be contained – the regular mowing kills any shoots that ... adaptable plants, and have been completely pest and disease free in our garden. When planting a bamboo, be ...

  5. Protecting Plants, People, and the World: Celebrating Ohio State’s Commitment to Plant Health

    diseases and pests are responsible for up to 40 percent of food crops lost annually. Forests are threatened ... globally by diseases and pests, and new invasive threats arrive each year. Highlighting examples of the ...

  6. Elizabeth M. Ohl

    (AIEERP). While at AIEERP, she conducted surveillance for various infectious diseases in swine and ... veterinary medicine and research have been integral in the discovery of my curiosity for infectious diseases ...

  7. Jason Hollick

    starting and transplanting vegetable crops, trellising tomatoes, and mowing. He also helped researchers ...

  8. Muck Crops Agricultural Research Station

    disease, insect, and weed challenges with new cultural practices and management techniques. The knowledge ... and around the world.   Disease Management Diseases are a major challenge to fresh-market vegetable ... production. OARDC plant pathologists study chemical and biological alternatives to controlling disease ...

  9. Inviting Nature

    beautiful, pruned and mowed, always perfect, and inanimate." He underwent a change of heart, though, ... philosophy, he also recommends: • "Shrink the lawn." He is not on a crusade to have you eliminate ... your lawn. But he is suggesting that it doesn't need to dominate your landscape. • "Do not ...

  10. Prairie Enthusiasts 2022 Virtual Conference

    Dynamic Landscape by Amanda Martin Fire and disease jointly regulate the temperate savanna-forest boundary ...
