
Search results

  1. Resources

    work in Ohio and contacts for soil evaluation for septic systems. (Updated May, 2020) Water Quality ...

  2. Wayne Township LItter Pick-Up

    and to make mowing less dangerous and to prevent the scattering of trash, we are once again having the ...

  3. Ohio Dairy Quality Conference

    Handling Cow Bedding Practices and Teat Hygiene Dairy Division Updates Again, registration information for ...

  4. High Tunnel Integrated Pest Management Training

    approaches for including tunnels more effectively in managing crops, soils, pests, and diseases from before ... (horticulture), Matt Kleinhenz (horticulture), and Sally Miller (disease management) will serve as resource people ...

  5. Ohio Department of Agriculture: dicamba use in Ohio ends June 30, 2020

    continue, and we’ll keep you updated on the next development.  Read the ODA’s Official Statement Regarding ...

  6. Quality Assurance Test Out

    make up date for the Test Out will be Monday, January 29, 2018 at 6:30 pm. ...

  7. Commercial Landscape, Turf, and Ornamental Pesticide Applicator Recertification Webinar

    Live Webinar offering Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recertification Credits for individuals with Ohio Commercial Pesticide Applicator Licenses. Please visit the Pesticide Recertification website for more information: ...

  8. Commercial Landscape, Turf, and Ornamental Pesticide Applicator Recertification Webinar

    Live Webinar offering Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recertification Credits for individuals with Ohio Commercial Pesticide Applicator Licenses. Please visit the Pesticide Recertification website for more information:   ...

  9. Media Advisory: CFAES Experts Available to Speak on Avian Flu

    researchers to monitor poultry diseases. OSU Extension and OARDC are the outreach and research arms, ... influenza. The respiratory disease is highly infectious and potentially fatal in poultry, and although it can ... to cause disease and/or death. Most strains of avian influenza are not highly pathogenic and cause ...

  10. Weather Outlook & Options Webinar: Disease Management Options for Today’s Weather

