
Search results

  1. IT4U and Self Service updates coming December

    Submitted by Desire Lutsch, There have been updates to the IT Service Desk phone ...

  2. Giving mosquitoes 'kidney' failure could help fight spread of malaria

    deadly mosquito-transmitted diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. The discovery is reported in the ... for controlling 'resistant' mosquitoes and the spread of mosquito-borne diseases."—Peter Piermarini ... diseases." Funding from NIH foundation New methods for mosquito control are urgently needed, Piermarini said. ...

  3. Revised-Information just updated last week regarding vacation carryovers

    A vacation exception to allow use of accrued vacation over the established maximum carryover amounts as stated in Paid Leave Policy 6.27PDF file has been extended to include every employee whose service anniversary date is between March 22, 2020 through D ...

  4. Last Weeks Frost Damage Update

    Last Week’s Frost Damage Update Imed Dami & Diane Kinney The Ohio State University Current ...

  5. Farm Science Review: 'Forecasting the future for 50 years'

    animal/human disease transmission Farmers could profit from selling products to schools; learn how at Farm ... 18-19 and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 20. For the latest news and updates, follow Farm Science Review on  ...

  6. Field Bindweed

    fields, pastures, lawns, and gardens as well as other disturbed sites such as roadsides, fence rows, ...

  7. Keith Smith: 'We are committed to make these positions successful'

    academic affiliations, and immediate plan of action, in  this brochure  (pdf). The brochure will be updated ... whenever the field specialist information is updated. An introductory video (click it above) also has been ...

  8. Grape Growing

    Guide with new or updated information.  Information on specific recurring challenges to our industry, ...

  9. A Witness to the Birth of Ohio State ATI

    protecting one's turf. Faculty felt threatened by the existence of another program that they feared ...

  10. Updated Business & Finance Protocols

    Ohio State has implemented new controls on cash reserves and restrictions on procurement spending as financially prudent steps in response to the coronavirus outbreak. ...
