
Search results

  1. Precision Agriculture Not Just for Conventional Farming

    disease or lack of soil nutrients, or pests, and can then manage his field accordingly on a site-specific ...

  2. Gypsy Moth Caterpillar Resembles Other Caterpillar Pests

    predaceous and parasitic insects, birds, small mammals, and diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi, ...

  3. Growing Berries for Optimum Health Benefits

    create clinical products used to treat degenerative diseases, one of the things that becomes paramount is ...

  4. Extending the Life of Flowering Plants at the Molecular Level

    rooting and increased susceptibility to disease, making them of limited value to the floriculture ...

  5. Mulch Options Exist for Tomato Growers

    effective against weed suppression and diseases as those mulches that were treated." It may be at ...

  6. Researchers Evaluating Switchgrass Production in Ohio

    insects and diseases. The grass is also tolerant of poor soils, flooding and drought. In addition, the ...

  7. Take Steps to Protect Livestock from Heat Stress

    susceptibility to diseases, specifically mastitis and digestive disorders, and can also create fertility ...

  8. Soybean Planting, Like Corn, is Behind Schedule

    ground, the combined stresses of the very wet weather and soil-borne disease may have ruined the ...

  9. Use Equipment/Technology to Manage Risk

    a system that requires only these operations: plant, apply nutrients, spray for weed/insect/disease control ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-16

    critical in knowing when and where to scout for corn. Our trap counts will be updated weekly on our ...
