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  1. OSU-RIO collaboration broadcasts update

    By: Patrick Dengel, OSU- RIO Grande Collaboration Coordinator and Business Development Specialist   OSU-RIO collaboration broadcasts are multi-media (Radio, TV, YouTube and live Internet streaming) educational shows with a host of different topics that pr ...

  2. Weather Update

    The pattern change we talked about last week is on schedule. The wet pattern is relaxing! The outlook for the rest of July into August calls for near normal temperatures and rainfall with a slight trending toward warmer and drier conditions but only sligh ...

  3. Ohio Master Gardeners Teaching Green During MGV Week May 17-23

    Dave Dyke will give an update on contour plantings and rain gardens, and park staff will provide tours. ...

  4. Weather Update

    As we talked about a few weeks ago, we expected the pattern to turn warmer than normal again in early May and it has done so. Overall, May will be warmer and drier than normal across Ohio. The best chances for normal rainfall appear to be across northern ...

  5. Weather Update May 26, 2015

    The weather pattern will be shifting to a warm and humid pattern with wetter than normal conditions going into June 2015.   Temperatures the next 4 weeks will average a few degrees above normal. The maximum temperatures will likely be to close to normal b ...

  6. Weather Update 5/12/2015

    After some early week rain of less than 0.25 inches in most places with isolated totals to 0.50 inches in the far north and west part of the state, it will turn more seasonable in terms of temperatures but very little additional rainfall is forecast durin ...


    For the most part, soybean aphids have been a problem only in odd numbered years. Several other states have broken this two-year cycle, but it has held in Ohio for over 10 years.  Recently, we have been noticing the presence of soybean aphids in soybean, ...

  8. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Update

    The Ohio Department of Agriculture has begun issuing the new Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification cards. Those who attended the September, 2014 educational programs in Archbold, Findlay and Paulding should have already or will soon receive a m ...

  9. "Emerging" Problems Plague Corn/Soybeans

    up its nutrient reserves and is more vulnerable to diseases such as damping off the longer it remains ...

  10. Ohio State to Implement Sheep Tail Docking Program

    utilized mainly to help improve hygiene and control diseases. While those in the sheep industry have ...
