
Search results

  1. SEEDS grant proposals sought

    meetings over the course of the past year, the Request for Proposal (RFP) FY 2019 was updated ...

  2. "Fair Dinkum" Australian Visitors, Drs. Mark and Tieneke Trotter: Engagement opportunities

    cows, fit-bits for sheep, laser beams in pastures, fenceless farms: An update on some of the latest ...

  3. Business Office staff update

    Updates on staff duties in the business office ...

  4. New Ohio State App Helps Users Identify, Prevent and Control Bed Bugs

    App Store and Google Play Store. The app will frequently be updated with new information. ...

  5. Fruit and Vegetables

    Diseases in Home Fruit Plantings (pdf) ...

  6. 2019 Recycling Project Update

    The Brown County 4-H Committee is again sponsoring a countywide recycling project for 2019. Clubs can participate by submitting receipts showing proof of recycling their aluminum cans. What’s in it for your club? Helping the environment by keeping aluminu ...

  7. Emerita Profile: Shirley Badger

    with dementia or Alzheimer's Disease. She is part of the Welcome Team and the Being There Team. ...

  8. Campus Facilities Update

    As plans progress for Wooster campus facilities renovation and new construction, the campus has faced difficult decisions about facilities that will not be renovated, such as the ATI conservatory.  The conservatory was initially built in 1926 and donated ...

  9. Business Office updates

    There have been a number of changes in regards to office space, assignments, payment window, and pcard requirements. ...

  10. Quality Assurance Instructor Update

