
Search results

  1. Sustainable Plant Systems

    to have optimal growth and yield and reduce potential problems such as pests and diseases ... the grasses used to enhance our environment. Turf reduces glare, noise, air pollution, heat buildup, ... and cities. Students learn to manage and maintain turf as they gain knowledge in plant biology, soil ...

  2. Ag Breakfast at the OSU Extension Office February 8th

    Join our breakfast for an agricultural southwest 2023 update and insights for 2024. Topics include ...

  3. Plant Pest and Diseases

    Farmers and Agricutural Producers Producers of agronomic field crops, horticulture crops and more can bring in samples to the Extension office or contact Agriculture and Natural Resouces Educator, Marina Miquilini,  or 937-372-9971.  W ...

  4. Shane M. Allan

    lab, Shane also contributed to a study of the novel beech leaf disease—an emerging and serious threat ... disease-resistant specimens. Shane recalled these field experiences fondly, saying, “When I got the opportunity to ... get paid to run around the forest to work on a new disease spreading across Ohio, all while OSU pays ...

  5. 2021

    Disease Dr. Maurice Eastridge & Dr. Anastasia Vlasova Hailey Jermolowicz The Effect of Waterer Color ... Ecosystems Dr. G. Matt Davies Esha Sharma Testing for Pierce's Disease in Vitis vinifera and V. labrusca ...

  6. 4-H Enrollment is Now Open!

    please log in and update it. Please do NOT create a new account if you are having issues, call our office ...

  7. 2023

    Behavioral, and Social Drivers of Mosquito Abundance and West Nile Virus Disease Risk Dr. Megan Meuti ...

  8. Cameron C. Rich

    Award Recipient Reception Poster (.pdf)  Since he was diagnosed with celiac disease ten years ago, ...

  9. Poison Hemlock and Wild Parsnip are Bolting and Blooming

    common name; wild parsnip just sounds like a vegetable gone wild; which it is! To Mow, or Not to Mow The ... peopl e.  However, mechanical control through mowing, weed trimming, or hand-pulling is problematic.  ... trimmers producing phytophotodermatitis on exposed arms and legs of equipment operators. Still, mowing ...

  10. 4-H Enrollment Opens November 1st

    If you have changed your email, phone, address, please log in and update it. Please visit ...
