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Now That Wheat Is Down, What's Next? Some Ideas For Fields
applications practices, H2Ohio updates, manure spill mitigation, spreader calibration, and autonomous tractor ...
HPAI: Avian Influenza in Dairy Cattle
Administration (FDA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a statement confirming the ... birds. The highly pathogenic classification is based on the severity of the disease in poultry, but it is ... second time HPAI has been reported in ruminants. How do cows get the disease? Sporadic outbreaks of ...
Entomology Featured in Ohio State Wooster Campus Newsletter
their buck. In other words, pest programs that provide high levels of pest control, disease suppression, ...
Try These Simple Forms of Summer Sun Protection
cancer, and eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration. UV radiation is at its highest when ...
Try These Simple Forms of Summer Sun Protection
cancer, and eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration. UV radiation is at its highest when ...
Hay! How You Gather and Store Yours Matters
Temperature, humidity, and cloud cover all affect the rate that the mowed forage will dry. Everyone knows that ... reduce the quantity and quality of the forage you are harvesting. The processes of mowing, tedding, ... applications practices, H2Ohio updates, manure spill mitigation, spreader calibration, and autonomous tractor ...
Livestock Can't Take The Heat- Ways To Cool Them Down
applications practices, H2Ohio updates, manure spill mitigation, spreader calibration and autonomous tractor ...
Faculty Research Areas
managing turf pests and diseases. The goal of research is to reduce the reliance on chemical pesticides and ... blueberries, almonds, tomatoes and pumpkins. These crops are also vulnerable to pests and diseases, which are ... setting up a conflict between the need for pollination and the need for pest and disease control. In our ...
Graduate Student Handbook
Entomology Graduate Student Handbook, version Aug. 2024 Summary of changes: Update M.S. course ...
Use Tools To Help Prepare For Pest Damage To Fields, Crops
potentially lead to introduction of vectored diseases such as bacterial wilt from the cucumber beetles, or ...